Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor

Concept art

Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor

The Force (Shintsu) 

In ancient times, prior to the fratricidal war among ​the star people, there existed a Force school, dedicated to the cultivation of superpowers. It resided in the city of Amritavar on Mount Meru, considered the most sacred place on Earth. However, as time passed, the world underwent transformation. Many years elapsed, and the once-secret knowledge faded into obscurity. The tale transformed into a legend, and the legend evolved into a myth. A millennium after the demise of ​the star people, only two individuals remained as bearers of the Force.

Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor
Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor


She is the guardian of the Tower of Gozo in the midst of the desert, which holds the secrets of the Ancients. 

Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor
Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor
Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor Mihail Zablodski - The Chronicles of Andor

The world of Meroviya 

The world of Merovia consists of three major continents, divided into three climatic zones, with numerous tribes, a couple of trade unions, and the Asurian Empire. All the tribes and states of Merovia are under strong influence of the Asuras.
The outskirts of Merovia consist of remnants of the Hyperborean civilization (in the north), distant civilizations that survived the destruction of the Mu continent but have hardly any contact with the tribes of Merovia. 
Also, in the far east, lies the last city of the Alavars - Amritavar (Shambhala).
The most developed and immense city in the world is Amaravar (Atlantis). The Great City of the Ancients is located under a protective dome, hidden from wars, harsh weather, and the sight of ordinary mortals.