
about surrealism


is an artistic and literary movement. It seeks to unlock the power of the subconscious mind and explore the realms of dreams, fantasies, and the irrational. Surrealists create strange and dreamlike imagery by combining unrelated elements, often in illogical or absurd ways.

Mihail Zablodski's unique artistic vision combines elements of fantasy, absurdity, and symbolism, inviting viewers into a realm where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Another notable aspect of Zablodski's surrealism drawings is his meticulous attention to detail. Every line, stroke, and shading is purposefully crafted, contributing to the overall narrative and atmosphere of the piece. The precision and intricacy in his work draw viewers deeper into the mysterious and enchanting world he creates. 

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

lions are guards, restrictions on the approaches to the world of the subconscious

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

Cherub, Sphinx mean riddles and protection 

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

maze means  the subconscious

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

Indian word which means "Life in transformation "

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

different indian ​SYMBOLS 


Mihail Zablodski  drawing


Mihail Zablodski  universe


Mihail Zablodski  drawing

 The leaf from Rio

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

allusions to  MAURITS ESCHER and RENE MAGRITTE works

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

Favelas in Rio de Janeiro

Mihail Zablodski  drawing

The owls are not what they seem

Mihail Zablodski  drawing


Mihail Zablodski  drawing

allusions to HIERONYMUS BOSCH and Piranesi